Proper Nouns. What is a Proper Noun Proper nouns have two distinct features They name specific one of a kind items, and they begin with capital letters, no matter where they occur within a sentence. Here, well take a closer look at proper nouns, provide proper noun examples, and help you learn how to use a proper noun the right way. Remember that all nouns are words naming people, animals, places, things, and ideas. Every noun can be further classified as either common or proper. The distinction is very easy to make once you see some examples and come up with a few of your own. Proper Noun Examples. New Tracking Frontier Your License Plates. The rise of licenseplate tracking is a case study in how storing and studying peoples everyday activities has become the. I. D. Systems acquires Keytroller, a manufacturer and marketer of electronic products for managing forklifts, construction vehicles, and other industrial. A comprehensive resource site for retirement plan sponsors, small business owners and plan participants. This site gathers together significant 401k resources and. While businesses buy many of the same software applications, their needs and objectives can be different. As you consider the choices of software available to. Youre currently subscribed to some eWEEK features and just need to create a username and password. In the following sentences, proper noun examples are compared with common nouns. Notice that the proper nouns are specific and unique, while the common nouns are much more general in nature. Common noun I want to be a writer. How-to-Install-SQL-Server-Integration-Services-Tools-Step4.jpg' alt='Can You Capitalize A Software License Agreement' title='Can You Capitalize A Software License Agreement' />Proper noun Agatha Christie wrote many books. Common noun Id like to adopt a cat. Proper noun Cleopatra is the cutest kitten ever. Common noun Would you like a cookie Proper noun Im craving Oreos. Common noun Lets go to the city. Proper noun Lets go to San Francisco. Common noun My teacher starts work before sunup. Proper noun Mr. Bell seems to understand what students need. Common noun I think thats a planet, not a star. Proper noun I can see Jupiter tonight. Common noun Hes always hanging out with his girlfriend. Proper noun He never goes anywhere without Sarah. Common noun There are a lot of important documents in the archives. Proper noun There are many important documents at The Library of Congress. How to Use Proper Nouns. Its easy to use proper nouns, once you know what they are. Simply place them in your sentences as you would common nouns, ensuring that you capitalize them. Brushed Dc Motor Driver Ic With Pwm Controllers. Here are some examples to help you get started. Brett had hoped for an easy teacher for his algebra class, but he got Ms. Boggs, whose unreasonable demands and short temper made the semester unbearable. Teacher is a common noun. Ms. Boggs is a proper noun. Gloria had a craving, and not just any cookie would do. She went to the store and bought a box of Oreos. Cookie is a common noun. Oreos is a proper noun. We wanted to try a new restaurant, so we went to Taste of Thai. Restaurant is a common noun. Taste of Thai is a proper noun. Proper Noun Examples. Identify the proper noun in each sentence The boy threw the ball to his dog, Wilson. Id like you to meet my friend Jeremy. Well be vacationing in Aspen this year. My second grade teacher was Mrs. Gilbert, an old battle axe. We went to Smiths Furniture and bought a new couch to replace our old one. Do you think the Dolphins will win the game Im flying first class on Emirate Airlines. Thomas Jefferson was a president and philosopher. My best friend moved to Israel to study. When the Titanic sank, the captain went down with the ship. Answers 1 Wilson, 2 Jeremy, 3 Aspen, 4 Mrs. Gilbert, 5 Smiths Furniture, 6 Dolphins, 7 Emirate Airlines, 8 Thomas Jefferson, 9 Israel, 1.