Cat Is Sneezing And Hacking

Cat Is Sneezing And Hacking

Images/Center/Health/Cat/Bronchitis/XRay-Side-View-Cat.ashx?w=450&hash=2C913AD0033D4C54EBFDF44971E17C1A36B91AD8' alt='Cat Is Sneezing And Hacking' title='Cat Is Sneezing And Hacking' />Overdose of drontal in a kitten Species Cat. Breed Domestic Age Less than 3 mon. My 9 week old kitten had an anti inflammatory injection, her first vaccine and we gave her a drontal worming tablet but we may have given her the wrong dose of wormer, she is now extremely lethargic, her pupils are dilated and she is very shakey. Can an overdose of drontal wormer tablet cause these symptoms and if so what is the prognosis and how can we help herDr. Marie replied Hi Beth,Do you know how many milligrams mg of drontal Lola had How long ago did she get it Has she had any flea treatments lately Let me know by responding to this question and in the meantime Ill look up the toxicity information for drontal. Disclaimer Although Dr. Marie is a qualified veterinarian, the information found on this site is not meant to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. Ask. AVet. Question. Dr. Marie do not accept any responsibility for any loss, damage, injury, death, or disease which may arise from reliance on information contained on this site. Do not use information found on this site for diagnosing or treating your pet. Anything you read here is for information only. Customer reply She had 1 tablet which contained 2. Now reading the instructions she should have had half a tablet. Her sister has had the same dose and is fine. They have not had any flea treatments but have both had their first vaccines and lola had an anti inflammatory injection because of a sore left leg. Dr. Marie replied The side effects of an overdose of praziquantel in cats are usually gastrointestinal vomiting, diarrhea, and not wanting to eat. At really high doses, you can see weakness and wobbliness. A toxic dose for a cat is 5. I love my pets, the more I find out about coconut oil, the more excited I get. My cats were rescue kittys. I adopted my male cat Dante in 2007, he had no health issue. There are a number of different health conditions that can affect dogs. Heres an extensive list of all the major dog diseases and symptoms. Cat Is Sneezing And Hacking' title='Cat Is Sneezing And Hacking' />On average, a 9 week old cat will weigh just over 2 lbs which is 1 kg. So, she would have received 2. For pyrantel, you need 7 times the recommended dose to see clinical signs. Hgb3S4E5rhkmGOzI7VbMIQ7Hk=/350x0/filters:no_upscale()/close-up-portrait-of-cat-wrapped-in-blanket-relaxing-on-floor-562379665-591327145f9b58647026b990.jpg' alt='Cat Is Sneezing And Hacking' title='Cat Is Sneezing And Hacking' />The clinical signs can be an increased respiratory rate and wobbliness. Are you sure that there were 2. If this is the case, then it is possible that the cat had too much. The normal dose of pyrantel for a 1kg kitten would be 2. Lola would have had more than 1. Its tough to know how to advise you though. I cant say I have ever seen a kitten have these type of symptoms from an overdose of dewormer. I think, unfortunately an emergency visit is the best thing if that is at all possible. Im worried that there could be something else going on. I wish I had a more concrete answer for you, but it does seem like Lola should see a vet right away. Customer reply She did have increased respiratory but that has slowed down now and she was also very wobbily on her feet and her pupils were dilated but are not anymore. She is sleeping now and seems much more comfortable. We are unable to get her to an emergency vets now, is there anything we can do until morning Dr. Marie replied I just found a case report that claims that kittens getting 1. I really dont think this is the dewormer. Im wondering if perhaps Lola has a condition called a liver shunt. This could cause her to not metabolize drugs properly. One other thought. The symptoms really sound like toxicity due to flea treatments. If dogs are treated with a spot on treatment and then the cat rubs on them, this can cause toxicity. Its really tough to know how to advise you. If you absolutely cant get to a vet then really, all you can do is to keep her as quiet as possible and hope for the best. If this is a toxicity because of the dewormer, then it will likelywear off within 2. Customer reply No dogs in the house and although i have brought frontline flee treatment i havent yet used it on them because of their young age and todays vaccines. We will stay with her all night to monitor her condition and take her to the vets tomorrow if she doesnt improve. We are with her now and i have to say that although she is asleep her vital signs are so much better. Thank you so much for your help and advice and if there is anyway i can keep you informed please let me know. Apli Label Software Free Download. Regards Lolas Family. Dr. Marie replied Youre very welcome. Id love to have an update in the morning Hope all is well Dr. Marie. Customer reply Hello Dr. Maria, Lola is much better, shes running around and playing as if she was never ill. Thank you for your advice anyway. Love,Lolas Family. Dr. Marie replied Im so glad to hear that Thanks for the updateDr. Marie. Search for similar questions.

Cat Is Sneezing And Hacking
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