MFCldY-jHg/VsYLI0m4u7I/AAAAAAAFI3E/pRl-ZKDmXx0/s1600/Blue%2Bi%2BStyle%2B-%2BWallpaperFinished2.jpg' alt='Cost Per Roll To Install Wallpaper With Glue' title='Cost Per Roll To Install Wallpaper With Glue' />Modern Wallpaper in South Africa from Sticky. Things. co. za. Modern Wallpaper in South Africa. Modern Wallpaper is not like your Oumas WallpaperWow, Modern Wallpaper is sooo much easier than it used to be Advances in materials and printing technology have enabled so many different types of wallpaper from stronger Coated Paper Standard Wallpaper all the way to Sticky Back Vinyl Removable Wallpaper even Peel Stick Wallpaper. Cost Per Roll To Install Wallpaper With Glue' title='Cost Per Roll To Install Wallpaper With Glue' />We even have 3. D Paintable Wallpaper or Bling your space with Shiny and Embellished Modern Wallpaper in South Africa. Wallpaper is now Easy to Install. Installation is where wallpaper companies have really spent their time developing the easier the better and we wholeheartedly agree. The only catch is that the ease of wallpaper installation is directly proportionate to the cost of the wallpaper. In the majority of cases, you can easily tell how easy it is going to be by the price of the wallpaper. So, the difference between the types of wallpaper we offer is the method of applying the wallpaper whether its using paste on the paper, paste on the wall, activating the paste with water or no paste whatsoeverCost Of Building A Shed Diy Shed To House Honey Bees Cost Of Building A Shed Shed Construction Cost Per Square Foot How Much To Build A 16x16 Shed. Invest a little cash and get a big improvement in how your home looks and feels. The editors of This Old House give you their top tips. Here are the types of wallpaper we sell and how to install them 1. Even our Standard Wallpaper is easier than it ever was. The paper does not tear as easily and many clients comment that is was much stronger than they expected it to be. Our Standard Wallpaper requires Wallpaper Paste 5. How To Get Import Export License In India Hyderabad Metro more. The method of installation is called paste the paper and you literally apply the paste to the back of the wallpaper before hanging. This method requires a process called booking which is a way to activate the paste while letting the paper rest before hanging the strip. Cost Per Roll To Install Wallpaper With Glue' title='Cost Per Roll To Install Wallpaper With Glue' />Its a little messy, it takes a bit of time but it looks amazing when done. Our Soak and Stick Wallpaper range is a pre pasted wallpaper, which means it already has adhesive on the back of the paper. All you do is activate the glue by dipping the wallpaper into a tray of water. The paper also requires the booking and resting process after the paper has been soaked in water. It is less messy and you dont need to buy extra paste but you will need a tray and the booking does take time. If you really want modern wallpaper, then our Easy Premium Wallpaper is the way to go. This wallpaper has a vinyl coating which helps protect the wallpaper, makes it washable, makes it suitable for steamy areas like bathrooms and kitchens and cuts your installation time in half When using Paste the Wall wallpaper, the paste 5. This wallpaper is made with a special backing that does not expand when wet and you just paste the wall and hang the dry wallpaper so no booking requiredWe now also offer Sticky Back Removable Wallpaper. This Vinyl Wallpaper is plastic based so is robust and so much easier to install plus you dont need any paste nor water. You install it like that contact paper we used to cover our school books with position and peel the backing slowly dont worry, we give you instructions and your free wallpapering tool will come in handy Real Wallpaper innovation is the new and amazing Super Easy Peel and Stick Wallpaper made of very thick plastic vinyl with a slight texture and has a sticky back as well. Living up to its name, you literally peel and stick the wallpaper onto the surface in fact, it is not even a traditional wallpaper because you can literally stick it on almost anything untextured Our favourites are to revamp cupboard doors or even tiles We also love that you can peel it off the wall and reposition it if you make a mistake or go a bit skew. Super super easy and very high quality, this is the best of the best as far as wallpaper goes Each Manufacturer has product specific wallpaper installation instructions inside the package you receive. See below for some installation advice and answers. How Removable is your Wallpaper Removing our wallpaper mostly depends on which type of wallpaper you choose. In almost all the cases the quicker it is to put up, the easier it is to remove Most modern wallpapers come off pretty easily but it also depends on the wall quality underneath and how long the wallpaper has been there. Our Standard Wallpaper comes off using wet removal i. Soak Stick Wallpaper is strippable it is a easier peel, soak and scrape off the wall than standard wallpaper. Sure. Strip is a special type of Soak Stick Wallpaper and is Ultra Removable, it comes off in complete sheets and leaves no residue whatsoever they claim it can take less than a hour to remove a whole room. The Easy Premium Wallpaper should peel off easily when its time to change, theres no need for steaming or soaking. Simply lift a corner at the base of the wall and peel upwards Sticky Back Vinyl Wallpaper and 5. Peel and Stick Wallpaper are the easiest by far to remove. Just like the super easy installation simply peel and remove in one quick step It can take as little as 1. Why you should Order More Wallpaper than you needWhy do I have to over order, isnt it a waste How much to over order mostly depends on the type of wallpaper and the pattern matching. Keep in mind that wallpaper is printed in batches printeddye lotsloads of rolls at once and each batch can have slight colour differences. So, using the idea of ordering more later may result in colour variances. We suggest instead to order a little more than you need all together to ensure the colour is the same. Then, if there is left over wallpaper, you can use it as cupboard liners the backing of book shelves or even extra decor items like pasting it onto canvases or adding them as frame backgrounds etc. Please always check with us by email before ordering additional product online. This is so we can request the same batch number on your behalf. Each batch has different colour variation so this is NB or the colours wont match. We do not, however, guarantee that additional product will be of the same batch number and we do not offer refund or exchange on incorrect quantities when the same batch number is not available. Standard Wallpaper, Soak Stick Wallpaper and Easy Premium Wallpaper all come in rolls whereas our Vinyl Wallpaper comes in rectangles. For wallpaper that comes in rolls, please use this handy Wallpaper Chart which takes that wastage into account to see how much you need to order. Each roll covers up to up to 5. All our Wallpaper Rolls are Imported from UK and USAYou are assured of excellent quality and the latest in design trends at an affordable price The drawbacks of imported wallpaper is that sometimes we cannot get the same batch number as you previously ordered. Sometimes we are also out of stock or product is stuck in customs but we try our best to keep our website up to date. The other consideration is that overseas manufacturers have stricter guarantees on their products than we do on our locally manufactured wall art. Please read our guarantee page and follow the instructionsresponsibility that is enclosed in your package. Our Sticky Vinyl Wallpaper is Designed and Produced in South Africa. All our Sticky Back Vinyl Wallpapers including Matt Vinyl Wallpaper and Peel and Stick Wallpaper and Murals are designed and produced in South Africa We love adding South African quirks to the designs and the production of the wallpapers and all our wall decals as well involves an intensive manual labour component, which supports South Africans. Wallpaper FAQs. Sticky Back Vinyl Wallpaper FAQs.