How To Edit Software Registry File

How To Edit Software Registry File

How To Edit Software Registry File' title='How To Edit Software Registry File' />How do I open and edit the Windows Registry Updated 1. Computer Hope. Caution Before editing or changing anything in the Microsoft Windows registry, its recommended that you backup the registry. Download Virtual Farm 2 Crack Heads. C552&quality=100' alt='How To Edit Software Registry File' title='How To Edit Software Registry File' />We also highly recommend that anyone new to the registry become familiar with all the Windows registry basics. To open the Windows registry, follow the steps below. Click the Start button. In the Start Menu, either in the Run Box or the Search box, type regedit and press Enter. In Windows 8, you can type regedit on the Start screen and select the regedit option in the search results. In Windows 1. 0, type regedit in the Search box on the taskbar and press Enter. If prompted by User Account Control, click Yes to open the Registry Editor. The Windows Registry Editor window should open and look similar to the example shown below. Tip If you have restricted access to the Windows computer youre logged into, you may not be able to access the Windows registry. REG. exe. Read, Set or Delete registry keys and values, save and restore from a. REG file. Syntax REG QUERY ROOTRegKey v ValueName s REG QUERY ROOT. How to browse the Windows registry. When most users need to edit their registry, theyre given the location or path of where the Registry value is located and what to change. Below is an example path for a commonly accessed registry subkey. To browse to this location, you first start by opening the HKEYLOCALMACHINE key folder. Once in this key, you should see the SOFTWARE folder, then the Microsoft folder, Windows folder, Current. Version folder, and lastly the Run folder. HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionRun. Tip Each backslash in a registry path represents another folder in the registry, with the name of that folder following the backslash. After navigating to the above registry path, youll see a window similar to the example below. In this example, you can see four different string value keys, which in this case are pointing to each of the programs Windows runs each time the computer is turned on or restarted. How to edit a Windows registry value. To edit a registry value, double click the name of the value you want to edit. For example, if we were to double click the Intelli. Point value in the example above, a new window would appear that would allow us to change the value of the Data. In this case, we could change the file path of where the ipoint. Intelli. Point driver. How do I delete a Windows registry value. To delete a registry value, highlight any registry Name and then press the delete key on the keyboard. For example, if we did not want the Intelli. Point program to load each time Windows starts, we could highlight Intelli. Point and then press the delete key. Windows registry shorthand and abbreviations. In some documentation and online forums the registry values may be abbreviated. For example, instead of saying HKEYLOCALMACHINE it is easier to say and write HKLM. For a listing of registry terms and shorthand see our registry definition. How To Edit Software Registry File' title='How To Edit Software Registry File' />Registry Tips Windows Vista registry How to create and edit a. Reg File. Explanation of the syntax, worked examples of.

How To Edit Software Registry File
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