Installation_Figure3.gif' alt='How To Install Hot Wire Horse Fence' title='How To Install Hot Wire Horse Fence' />Wire Mounting Height. How high above the ground should you mount the dog fence boundary wire The ideal height for the dog fence wire is the height of the dogs neck. Article on safe horse farm fence and horse fencing options. Some of the fence types discussed are electric wire, vinyl, wood fence, and pipe fencing. Images/drwFenceWireTips.gif' alt='How To Install Hot Wire Horse Fence' title='How To Install Hot Wire Horse Fence' />Choosing The Right Wire Gauge for Electronic Dog Fences. Gauge Dog Fence Wire vs. Gauge Wire vs. 1. Gauge Wire vs. 2. Gauge Wire thick vs. Most DIY Dog Fence Systems include a reel of 2. But, most professionally installed systems use a thicker 1. Apli Label Software Free Download. Discussion on Fencing ALERT Use the navigation bar above to access articles and more discussions on this topic. Florence Fence, Inc offers installation of all types of fencing throughout greater Reno, Lake Tahoe, Minden, Carson City, Carson Valley and Gardnerville, NV. Centaur HTP is a forerunner in the high tensile fencing industry. Its fiveinch polymer rail with three 1212 ga. Why the difference Fewer Wire Breaks. The thicker the wire the more resilient and the less likely you are to get a wire break. For example, the thickest wire 1. This thicker wire also contains a thicker jacket, making it impervious to all but the strongest impacts. When a dog fence is being professionally installed, we will usually use an industrial trencher, that is very tough on the wire. This makes using the thicker gauge of wire almost mandatory. There are however disadvantages. Firstly, thicker wire is harder to work with. Thinner wire is is more flexible and easier to get into place. Second, the thicker wire is more expensive. The thicker wire uses 4 times more copper and has a thicker jacket, making it more expensive to make and transport. While a 5. 00 foot role of 2. Similar Transmission. Almost any dog fence will work with any almost gauge of wire. But, thicker wire has lower resistance makes it a little easier for the signal to get around. Just like it is easier to drive down a wider road than a narrower road The difference is modest, but in extreme cases you can get a little extra range using the thicker gauge of wire. For example if you are running a system near the limit of its rated capacity then using thicker wire will allow you to have a slightly larger range. Thus if you had a system rated to 2. Twisted Wire. You need to use twisted wire to run between the transmitter box and the boundary, and for any other place where you do not want the wire to trigger the receiver collar. By twisting two wires together, the radio wave cancel each other out and thus the dog can walk over the twisted wire without getting a correction. The easiest way to get twisted wire is to buy it. You can usually buy twisted wire from the people that sold you your system. It will cost you around 2. You can also make your own twisted wire. First decide how much you will need and cut two single pieces of wire double that length twisting the wire makes it shorter. Tape the two pieces of wire together at both ends using some masking or electrical tape. Now tape one of those ends to an electric drill and hold the other end in your hand. Turn on the drill and let it twist the wires together until you have about four twists per inch. This is harder on the thicker gauges of wire, with 1. For more details on twisted wire, take a look at the following tutorial video dog fence review best dog fence pig.