Net. Backup Command Guide Krazy. Works. Net. Backup is an enterprise level distributed backup and recovery application. The environment consists of the master server, media server, storage library, networking hardware, and client agents. Net. Backup supports a wide variety of Unix, Linux, VMS, and Windows systems. The original backup solution was developed by Control Data Corp., later acquired by Openvision, which gave the product its Net. Backup name. Net. Backup was then bought by Veritas and is currently owned and supported poorly by Symantec. Project 2010 Professional X86 Spanish Dictionary. Daemons and Processes. On the master server there are four Net. Backup daemons started in sequence bprd the request daemon started during system bootbpsched the scheduler daemon started by bprdbpdbm the Net. Backup database manager started by bpschedbpjobd the job monitor daemon started by bpdbm. The Archives of the TeradataForum contains over 33,000 posts and the threads below are a representative sample. To help navigate the Archives, there are additional. One the media server, there are up to nine Net. Backup daemons bpcd communications daemon started during system bootbpbrm backup and restore manager started by bpcdbptm tape manager started by bpbrmbpdm disk manager started by bpbrmltid media manager started during system bootavrd bar code reader daemon started by ltidvmd volume manager daemon started by ltidtldd robotic tape library daemon started by ltidtldcd robotic tape library control daemon started by ltid. One the client side, there is one Net. Backup daemon started during system boot bpcd the client daemon, which starts the bpbkar processes for each active backup or restore job. Logs and Configuration Files. Version and patch levels. I am getting this error when I am trying to restore a file. Specs MasterWin2k MediaClientWin2k These are running in a SAN environment. Thanks This is a list of TCP and UDP port numbers used by protocols of the transport layer of the Internet protocol suite for the establishment of hosttohost connectivity. TCP Ports TCP 0 Reserved TCP 1 Port Service Multiplexer TCP 2 Management Utility TCP 3 Compression Process TCP 4 Unassigned TCP 5 Remote Job Entry TCP 6. NetBackup is an enterpriselevel distributed backup and recovery application. The environment consists of the master server, media server, storage library, networking. Backup%20Manager%20DC/images/EditHostTimeZone.gif' alt='How To Install Netbackup Client From Master Server List' title='How To Install Netbackup Client From Master Server List' />Koenig Solutions offers C Advanced Training for creating Windows applications, which help student in learning advanced concepts related to C programming language. Symantec helps consumers and organizations secure and manage their informationdriven world. Our software and services protect against more risks at more points, more. Net. Backup and patch versions optopenvnetbackupbinversion. Patch level history optopenvnetbackuppatchpatch. Media version optopenvvolmgrversion. Configuration Files. Net. Backup configuration optopenvnetbackupbp. Media manager configuration optopenvvolmgrvm. Buffer size optopenvnetbackupdbconfigSIZEDATABUFFERSNumber of buffers optopenvnetbackupdbconfigNUMBERDATABUFFERSNetwork buffer size optopenvnetbackupNETBUFFERSZ default is 3. Catalog type optopenvnetbackupdbconfigcatformat. Access control. Java GUI authorization optopenvjavaauth. Troubleshooting. Corrupt database images optopenvnetbackupdb. The following is the corrected and expanded information found at http www. Server Commands. Check license detailsoptopenvnetbackupbinadmincmdgetlicensekey. Start Netbackupnetbackup startoptopenvnetbackupbininitbprd masteroptopenvvolmgrbinvmd mediaStop Netbackup does not disconnect GUI sessionsnetbackup stopoptopenvnetbackupbinadmincmdbprdreq terminate masteroptopenvnetbackupbinbpdbm terminate masterStop Netbackup and kill all GUI sessionsoptopenvnetbackupbingoodiesbp. Start the GUIoptopenvnetbackupbinjnb. SAScan for tape devicessgscan solarisioscan HPUXDisplay all Netbackup processesbpps alists servers errorsbperror U problems hoursagobperror U backstat bystatcode hoursagodisplay information on a error codebperror statuscode recommendationReread bp. Netbackupbprdreq rereadconfig. Check database consistencybpdbm consistency 1bpdbm consistency 2. Check for the below lines Bad image header. Does not exist. Netbackup Recovery Device catalog is intactbprecover l m d dlt listingbprecover r m d dlt recoveringDevice catalog is gone or corruptedbprecover l tpath listingbprecover r tpath recoveringDisk backupsbprecover l dpath listingbprecover r dpath recoveringCatalog Commands. Master Server Information about backed up filesimage optopenvnetbackupdb. Storage Unit, Global Configuration, Catalog backup configuration. Backup Policy informationclass optopenvnetbackupdb. Job status informationjobs optopenvnetbackupdb. Netbackup logs with error and status informationerror optopenvnetbackupdb. Information on volumes, volume pools, scratch pool and volume groupsvolume optopenvvolmgrdatabase. Media Server Tracks assigned volumes media that has data themmedia optopenvnetbackupdb. Information about devices managed by the media serverdevice optopenvvolmgrdatabase. Volume Commands. Tape Drive and Inventory Commands List drive status, detail drive info and pending requestsvmoprcmd. List the tape drive statusvmoprcmd d ds. List the pending requestsvmoprcmd d pr. Control a tape devicevmoprcmd reset up downList all changes in the robotbut do not updatevmupdate recommend rt tld rn 0vmcheckxxx rt tld rn 0 recommend. Empty the robot and re inventory using barcodesvmupdate rt tld rn rh vh nostderr usebarcoderules useseed emptyie. Tape Media Commands List all poolsvmpool listall bx. List tapes in poolvmquery pn bx. List all tapes in the robotvmquery rn 0 bx grep TLD sort 4. List cleaning tapesvmquery mt dltclean bx. List tape volume detailsvmquery m. Delete a volume from the catalogvmdelete m. Change a tapes expiry datevmchange exp 1. Change a tapes media poolvmchange p m. Media Commands. List the storage unitsbpstulist UFreeze or unfreeze mediabpmedia freeze unfreeze ev. List media detailsbpmedialist ev. List media contentsbpmedialist U mcontents m. List backup Image Informationbpimagelist backupid. Expire client imagesbpimage cleanup allclients. Expire a tapebpexpdate d 0 ev force. List all netbackups jobsbpdbjobs report hoursagoMove media from one media server to anotherbpmedia movedb newserver oldserver. TapeRobotic Library Commands. List tape drivestpconfig d. List cleaning times on drivestpclean Lclean a drivetpclean Cchange a drives cleaning frequencytpclean Fset a drives cleaning time to zerotpclean MMove tapes within robot using robtestrobtestcommands that can be used are as follows s s show slotss d show drivess i show load portm s. List load port tapesecho s i q tldtest r devsgc. List all slot contentsecho s s q tldtest r devsgc. List tape drive contentsecho s d q tldtest r devsgc. Move a tape in s. Move a tape to load port 1echo m s. Archiving Commandslist archive infobpcatlist client all before Jul 0. Aug 0. 1 2. 00. 6archive and remove imagesbpcatlist before Jul 0. Jul 0. 1 2. 00. 6 bpcatres. Client Commandstest client connectivitybpclntcmd ip. Attack Signatures Symantec Corp. Symantec security products include an extensive database of attack signatures. An attack signature is a unique arrangement of information that can be used to identify an attackers attempt to exploit a known operating system or application vulnerability. When Intrusion Detection detects an attack signature, it displays a Security Alert. Currently, Symantec security products monitor these exploits.