Windows 10 Tech Preview can be easily be installed in VMware vSphere 5. ESXi 5. 5. Even the latest version of Windows OS is not listed in the supported OS. On Monday, we learned that Microsoft was killing off the iconic Microsoft Paint program after 32 years and replacing it with Paint 3D in its upcoming Windows 10 update. ArtemisPS3 An Open Source Playstation 3 Hacking System created under the Project Artemis initiative http Changes to ArtemisPS3 r5 by. How to install and Configure NTP client on Cent. OSRHEL to Synchronize the Clock. NTP, Network Time Protocol, it is an Internet protocol used to synchronize the clocks of computers or servers to some NTP server on internet or intranet. In Cent. OS, it is very easy to install and configure the ntp client. Install your NTP client using yum command email protected yum install ntp. Loaded plugins fastestmirror. Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile. How To Install Telnet In Fedora 16 Iso' title='How To Install Telnet In Fedora 16 Iso' />Setting up Install Process. Resolving Dependencies. Running transaction check. Package ntp. x. 866. Finished Dependency Resolution. Dependencies Resolved. Package Arch Version Repository Size. M. Transaction Summary. Install 1 Packages. Upgrade 0 Packages. Total download size 1. US/Fedora/16/html-single/Installation_Guide/images/pkgselection/pkg-group.png' alt='How To Install Telnet In Fedora 16 Iso' title='How To Install Telnet In Fedora 16 Iso' />NTP, Network Time Protocol, it is an Internet protocol used to synchronize the clocks of computers or servers to some NTP server on internet or intranet. In CentOS. M. Is this ok yN y. Downloading Packages. MB 0. 0 0. 4. Running rpmcheckdebug. Running Transaction Test. Finished Transaction Test. Transaction Test Succeeded. Running Transaction. Installing ntp 11. Configure your ntp. NTP serveremail protected vi etcntp. NTP server Line 1. Secondary NTP server Optional Line 1. NTP serverOptional Line 1. As for example server ntp. Restart your ntp client using below command email protected service ntpd restart. Test your ntp client status whether properly configured or not by running below command email protected ntpq p. Linux Network Configuration. Linux TCPIP Network Configuration Files. File. Descriptionetcresolv. List DNS servers for internet domain name resolution. Manual page for etcresolv. Lists hosts to be resolved locally not by DNS. Manual page for etchostsetcnsswitch. List order of host name search. Typically look at local files, then NIS server, then DNS server. Manual page for etcnsswitch. Red HatFedoraCent. OS etcsysconfignetwork. Specify network configuration. Static IP, DHCP, NIS, etc. Red HatFedoraCent. OS etcsysconfignetwork scriptsifcfg device. Specify TCP network information. UbuntuDebian etcnetworkinterfaces. Specify network configuration and devices. Static IP and info, DHCP, etc. Domain Resolution Configuration Files. The following files configure the system so that host names can be resolved. This is required when one will ssh to a host name eg. The system must be able to resolve the host names to IP addresses so that the network connection can be made. File etcresolv. Name of your domain or ISPs domain if using their name server. XXX. XXX. XXX. XXX IP address of primary name server. XXX. XXX. XXX. XXX IP address of secondary name server. This configures Linux so that it knows which DNS server will be resolving. IP addresses. If using DHCP client, this will automatically. ISP and loaded into this file as part of the DHCP protocol. If using a static. IP address, ask the ISP or check another machine on your network. Red HatFedora GUI usrsbinsystem config network select tab DNS. Cracked Dry Flaky Eyes That Are Raw there. File etchosts locally resolve node names to IP addresses by explicit definition. XXX. XXX. XXX. XXXnode name. Note when adding hosts to this file, place the fully qualified name. It helps sendmail identify your server correctly i. XXX. XXX. XXX. XXX superserver. This informs Linux of local systems on the network which are. DNS server. or for all systems in your LAN if you are not using DNS or NIS. The file format for the hosts file is specified by RFC 9. Red HatFedora configuration GUI usrsbinsystem config network select tab Hosts. File etcnsswitch. System Databases and Name Service Switch configuration file. Define the cascading priority of name resolvers. This example tells Linux to first resolve a host name by looking at the. DNS server as defined by etcresolv. NIS server. In the past this file has had the following names. Fedora Red Hat Network Configuration Files. Files which hold the Linux system network configuration. Red Hat network configuration file used by the system during the boot process. File etcsysconfignetwork scriptsifcfg eth. Configuration settings for your first ethernet port 0. Your. second port is eth. File. etcmodprobe. Example statement for Intel ethernet card. Modules for other devices on the system will also be listed. This tells the kernel which device driver to use if configured as a. Red Hat. Fedora Red Hat Network GUI Configuration Tools. The following GUI tools edit the system configuration files. There is no difference in the configuration developed with the GUI tools and. TCPIP ethernet configuration Network configuration. FC 23 GUI shown here. RH 7. 2 FC 1. Text console configuration tool. Text User Interface TUI for Fedora Core 23. RH 9. 0 FC 1. Text console network configuration tool. First interface only eth. GUI last available with RH 7. Gnome Desktop Gnome Desktop Network Configuration. RH 9. 0 FC 3. Proxy configuration. Choose one of three options. Direct internet connection. Manual proxy configuration specify proxy and port. Automatic proxy configuration give URL. Assigning an IP address. Computers may be assigned a static IP address or assigned one dynamically. Typically a server will require a static IP while a workstation will use DHCP dynamic IP assignment. The Linux server requires a static IP so that those who wish to use its resources can find the system consitently. It is more easily found if the IP address does not change and is static. This is not important for the Linux client workstation and thus it is easier to use an automated Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHCP for IP address assignment. Static IP address assignment. Choose one of the following methods. Command Line There are two commands which can assign an IP address, ip current practice and ifconfig current and legacy. Potential Pitfall Avoid the following error by executing the command as root or use sudo. RTNETLINK answers Operation not permitted. IP configurationPotential Pitfall Avoid the following error by executing the command as root or use sudo. SIOCSIFADDR Operation not permitted. SIOCSIFFLAGS Operation not permitted. SIOCSIFNETMASK Operation not permitted. SIOCSIFBRDADDR Operation not permitted. SIOCSIFFLAGS Operation not permitted. Network address by convention would be the lowest 1. Broadcast address by convention would be the highest 1. The gateway router can be anything, but following convention 1. Note the highest and lowest addresses are based on the netmask. The previous example is based on a netmask of 2. Red Hat Fedora GUI tools. Gnome GUI network administration tool. Handles all interfaces. Configure for Static IP or DHCP client. First available with Red Hat 7. Handles all interfaces last available in Red Hat 7. Red Hat Fedora Console tools. Text User Interface. Only seems to work for the first network interface eth. Directly edit configuration filesscripts. See format below. The ip and ifconfig commands do NOT store this configuration permanently. Upon reboot this information is lost. Manually add the network configuration to the system configuration files to have them persist. Red HatFedoraCent. OS etcsysconfignetwork scriptsifcfg eth. NIC, ifcfg eth. 1 for the second, etc. UbuntuDebian etcnetworkinterfaces as shown below. Any other commands you may want to add to the system boot sequence can be added to the end of the file etcrc. The commands netcfg and netconfig make permanent changes to system network configuration files located in etcsysconfignetwork scripts. The IANA has allocated IP addresses in the range of 1. Potential Pitfall You assign an IP address and the network connection still does not work Your system settings may not be compatible with your router configuration. You still may need to add a route see Route configuration below. Firewall rules may be blocking network traffic. Test by flushing all firewall rules iptables FYour system or your network may not be configured to use your upstream network. Command line IP Configuration ip. OPTIONS OBJECT COMMANDorip OBJECT COMMAND. OPTIONS Version human readable statistics resolve family inet inet. OBJECT link address addrlabel route rule neigh ntable tunnel tuntap maddress mroute mrule monitor xfrm netns l. COMMAND add delete set show list helpNote not all OBJECTs support all COMMANDs. Use the command line help. OBJECTDescriptionaddressaddraprotocol IP or IPv. Label configuration for protocol address selectionl. IP L2. TPv. 3linklnetwork devicemaddressmulticast addressmonitorwatch for netlink messagesmroutemulticast routing cache entrymrulerule in multicast routing policy databaseneighbourneighn.