I/61ezituhD3L._SL1000_.jpg' alt='Install Car Amp Without Rca 7' title='Install Car Amp Without Rca 7' />If you want to upgrade your sound system in your car by adding a sub woofer or speakers powered by an auxiliary amplifier without having to get a new head unit then. Car Stereo Installation Dash Kits Car Stereo Mounting Kits are used by professional installers to make a new aftermarket car stereo look great in your car. Easy way How to install Amplifier Subwoofer connected into car stereo radio cable wire inputs, more bass for less space test out the Kenwood powered. How to Install a Car Amp. Correctly installing an amplifier is not particularly easy, but it is an important part of getting a quality sound and avoiding technical. Wiring a 2 or 4 channel amp to your stock speaker harness without cutting the factory wiring Duration 1538. Quality Mobile Video 47,236 views. Amp Subwoofer install in my S7 Bose Video. Ok so I did the install this past weekend and have a few tips First, make sure you have plenty of time wiring and mounting took longer than I expectedSub 1 Subwoofer install was pretty straight forward, just heat the plastic inside until it looks glossy and use the sub to push the sides of the box out. You will have to do this a few times to get the entire ring around the sub to fit flush against the box. The JL 8. W1. V3 ringtrim will fit without having to cut any tabs off the front of the box. You will need to drill small holes to mount new sub, you can re use the 6 OEM screws but will likley need two additional screws. Be careful not to strip the plastic by over tightening screws particularly where the plastic is thinner4 I stuffed about 5 6 oz of polyfill into the box. ImageHandler/scale/646/646/products/2013/2/113/x113XR9005-I.jpeg' alt='Install Car Amp Without Rca 7' title='Install Car Amp Without Rca 7' />Not sure I could fit too much more, maybe 1 2 oz tops. Wiring 1 You will need tools wire cutter, wire strippercrimping tool, etc. I mistakenly bought a 4 gauge wiring kit for the Alpine MRV 2. There are 4 pairs of speaker level inputs on the amp, bridge all the positives and negative wires and connect to the factory Bose sub output. I had issues with auto sensing turn on function when only using one speaker level input. Be careful not to drop any nutsboltsetc in the trunk, there are way too many places for things to get lost in. Mounting 1 Test the amp and sub before mounting it all into place to make sure amp is functional and wiring is correct. Alpine amp will not fit underneath the Bose amp without modifying the back plastic bracket, I cut a piece off so the amp can be wedged in at an angle higher in the back, lower in the front. The plastic piece I cut off in the back must be for the B O It does not serve and structural purpose as the Bose amp is mounted to metal on the top left and top right. I used a little rubber matting where the amp rests on the the front and rear plastic braket to minimize movementvibration. Zip tied the the amp mounting holes around the front two plastic posts where the bottom left and bottom right Bose bracket bolts to. Install Car Amp Without Rca 7' title='Install Car Amp Without Rca 7' />Get discounted deals on car audio packages perfectly matched by our experts to give you the best bang for your buck Get better sound at a steal of a priceThe amp does not have any play after zip tying. If you can find an amp that is slightly shorter than the Alpine, you should be able to fit it flat without modifying the plastic brackets. You need to have the sides with the power and inputs facing the front and the back of the car in order to have enough room for wiring, so width is not necessarily an issue but rather the height. Review I think this upgrade is well worth the effort, even though it took longer than I anticipated. I think 1. 50. W from the Alpine amp is more than sufficient. I have the gain on the amp set just above 12 way and dial bass updown using MMI bass setting. I wouldnt personally want any more output and in some cases I dial the bass down via MMI. I did not snap any pics during the install but Ill try to get one of the final mounted position or the amp. How To Install Weblogic Server On Solaris 10 Commands here. Overall, the low end sound is much fuller with the upgraded sub and can thump pretty good when cranked. Testing the Bose sub made me realize just how weak the factory output is. I think most of the bass we hear in the stock Bose comes from the mid bass drivers in the doors and not the trunk sub. As a side note, I havent noticed anything with ANC that others have noted. I was unable to disable ANC in vag com any suggestions but so far I have no complaints in that department.