Music streaming service Spotify no longer officially supports Apples Safari browser, and Safari users who attempt to access it say they are being redirected to use. Latest trending topics being covered on ZDNet including Reviews, Tech Industry, Security, Hardware, Apple, and Windows. Open PDF in browser causes blank error box Win. Adobe Community. This is the biggest problem with my companys windows 7 machines it not working with adobereader. Its an on going thing that I have been trying to fix. The issue iswith Windows 7, IE8 and adobe reader, and viewing pdfs on the internet. The blank error message is not consistent. Sometimes it works. Sometimesit doesnt. I just freshly installed Windows 7 today. I then installed Adobe Design Premium CS4, including Adobe Acrobat Pro. I use IE8 and Firefox 3. FYI, this. Option 1 didnt work. OPTION 2 DID Possible clues to track down the cause I use Revo Uninstaller to install apps I think it internally installs as Admin. Free CSS has 2638 free website templates, all templates are free CSS templates, open source templates or creative commons templates. Sometimes it doesnt work and kicks you out of IE. Sometimes youcan view the pdf only if you try multiple times to open it. I thourhgt I narrowed it down to the adobe dll or add on inside IE. I have been testing fixes for a couple weeks now I have been reading about whatsworking for others, but Reinstalling hasnt worked, as reported. Running Adobe reader 9. Running adobe reader in compatibility for vista and as admin hasnt worked, as reported. Repairing IE8 which clears out errors with addons hasnt worked, as reported. Reports suggested removing adobe and going with another pdf reader such as Foxit. Foxit worksperfectly for everything but our company specific software we HAVE to have no less than or greater than Adobe Reader 9. HAVE to be displayd in the browser. Another report suggested installing adobe reader in vista compatibilitymode different than just running it in this mode. I did this on onemachine tonight and my initial testing of opening browser pdfs wassuccessful but it broke shortly after. I set a few problematic sites mostly intranet sites to compatibility view inside IE8. Did not help. We are also seeing pdfs crashing IE so for IE crashing unexpectedly, we tried removing Windows live software, this has been touch and go, but removing Windows live software did not help completely with IE crashing nor with the blank pdf errors. I also disabled all adobe addons for IE8 thinking that would certainly fix it but it did not as well. Game Over Dealing With Bullies On The Job more. So thats where I am.