How to Install Mac OS X El Capitan on Virtual. Box Hello, dear friends. In this article, Im going to show you that how to Install Mac OS X El Capitan on Virtual. Installing Mac Os X On New Hdd Installation' title='Installing Mac Os X On New Hdd Installation' />Box. Have you ever tried to install Mac operating system on Windows PC Or have you used Mac OS X El Capitan on Windows PC Dont worry Now, Im going to show you how to do this task. It is a long process, so I want to shorten this topic. First, you will learn to download Mac OS X El Capitan for Virtual. Box then how to prepare it for installation. The next topic, Im going to show you that how to install Mac OS X El Capitan on Virtual. Box on Windows PC. Install Mac OS X El Capitan on Virtual. Box. First, what you are going to do is download the Virtual. Box for Windows from its website. In some rare situations, reinstalling OS X on a Mac may be required. This is made fairly easy as all modern Macs include the OS X Internet Recovery feature. BrdgCRXZ5BK_MipHUrRFEfqYPeY=/fit-in/850x850/' alt='Installing Mac Os X On New Hdd Installation' title='Installing Mac Os X On New Hdd Installation' />Unibeast Free Unibeast is a Mac program that modifies the official OS X Mavericks installer, and writes it onto a USB drive. You can then use this Unibeast USB. Jesus Vigo goes over the steps to create a bootable USB to install OS X 10. OS X 10. 510. 6, as well as how to put multiple versions on the same USB. This stepbystep guide provides a detailed look at how to install Mac OS X on an Acer Aspire One netbook using either a bootable USB Thumb Drive or by using a. Edit Article wiki How to Install a New Operating System on Your Computer. Three Methods Determining Which Operating System to Install Installing Your New Operating. Power S. M. A. R. T. The OptiBay responds to S. M. A. R. T. status commands from the Mac OS. S. M. A. R. T. status commands query a drives internal reliability algorithms and. Installing Mac Os X On New Hdd Installation' title='Installing Mac Os X On New Hdd Installation' />Once you have downloaded the Virtual. Box, then install it on your computer. If you run VMware or Hyper V so, you should not use them at the same time. Because you can not run two different Virtualization software on one PC. Because one Virtualization software you can use at the same time. Free Download Virtual. Box. Free Download Mac OS X El Capitan VM Image. Step 1. Extract OS X El Capitan Image File. To extract Mac OS X El Capitan image file, you have to navigate where the image is located. For this task, you need an extractor like Win. Rar or 7. Zip. Just right click on the image file then choose Extract Here. Step 2. Install Virtual. Box on Your PCDownload Virtual. Box from the link above. Once you have downloaded the Virtual. Box, then Install it on your Windows PC. To install Virtual. Box, just click on the setup then hit next and next. Finally, click Finished. Step 3. Create New Virtual Machine1. Now, you have to create a new Virtual Machine. Open the Virtual. Box then tap on New at the upper left hand side and name the Virtual Machine OS X El Capitan. Choose name and Operating system2. When you clicked next, then a new window will pop up. Choose at least 2 GB of RAM space for the Virtual Machine. Choose Memory Size3. On the Hard Drive window, select the last option Use existing virtual hard drive file then tap on the folder icon and select the Mac OS X El Capitan image file. Use an Existing Virtual Hard Disk File. Step 4. Edit Created Virtual Machine1. Open the Virtual. Box then tap on Settings. In the General Tab, put everything to the default. Go to the next option System. You will see three main tabs. Click on the first tab Motherboard. Setting everything like the screenshot below. Also, set the Processorr to 2 CPUS. Virtual. Box Settings2. Go the Network option then choose an appropriate network adapter. Managing Network Adapter Type. Step 5. Add code to Virtual. Box. Copy and paste this code to your command prompt. Follow closely the instructions. Frist, replace the OS X Name with your Virtual Machine name. Copy the below code and paste it into the notepad text editor. Then whatever you have called your Virtual Machine, so you have to replace it. Do it likes the below screenshot. Code for Virtualbox 4. C Program FilesOracleVirtual. Adobe Cs6 Master Collection Hunter King here. Box VBox. Manage. Your VM Name cpuidset 0. VBox. Manage setextradata Your VM Name VBox. InternalDevicesefi0ConfigDmi. System. Product Mac. Book. Pro. 11,3 VBox. Manage setextradata Your VM Name VBox. InternalDevicesefi0ConfigDmi. System. Version 1. VBox. Manage setextradata Your VM Name VBox. InternalDevicesefi0ConfigDmi. Board. Product Iloveapple VBox. Manage setextradata Your VM Name VBox. InternalDevicessmc0ConfigDevice. Key ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontstealcApple. Computer. Inc VBox. Manage setextradata Your VM Name VBox. InternalDevicessmc0ConfigGet. Key. From. Real. SMC 1. Code for Virtualbox 5. C Program FilesOracleVirtual. Box VBox. Manage. Your VM Name cpuidset 0. VBox. Manage setextradata Your VM Name VBox. InternalDevicesefi0ConfigDmi. System. Product i. Mac. 11,3 VBox. Manage setextradata Your VM Name VBox. InternalDevicesefi0ConfigDmi. System. Version 1. VBox. Manage setextradata Your VM Name VBox. InternalDevicesefi0ConfigDmi. Board. Product Iloveapple VBox. Manage setextradata Your VM Name VBox. InternalDevicessmc0ConfigDevice. Key ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontstealcApple. Computer. Inc VBox. Manage setextradata Your VM Name VBox. InternalDevicessmc0ConfigGet. Key. From. Real. SMC 1. Now, run CMD as administrator. Copy and paste each code to the cmd. If you have downloaded the Virtual. Box version 5 so, you just need the code for version 5. If you are using version 4 of Virtual. Box, so you need the code for version 4. Copy and Paste The Code to the CMDIf you didnt understand this step, put a comment down below this post. Step 6. Install Mac OS X El Capitan on Virtual. Box1. Now, everything is ready for installation of Mac OS X El Capitan on Virtual. Box. Run Virtual. Box then click on the Start button at the top. Start Virtual Machine2. Right after tapping on start button then some code will be loaded. Dont worry about those laws. Installing OS X El Capitan on Virtual. Box. After this step, its very easy and straightforward. You have to create a new user account. Read how to install Mac OS X El Capitan article. But again here, we will show you that how to create a new user account on Mac. Choose the keyboard and Language then click the Continue button. Choose Language4. Select the last option My computer does not connect to the internet. Some Service requires an internet connection. To select a different configuration, click try again. To process with this setting. Click Continue. How do you Connect5. In the transfer information to this Mac window, you have three options to select. But here you have to select the last option Dont transfer any information now. Hit the continue button. Transfer Information to this Mac. If you want to enable the location services, check the enabled service on this Mac. But I dont want to enable location service. Click continue. 6. Read the terms and conditions of Mac OS X Software License Agreement then tap on Agree button. Now, feel the user account information. Type full name, account name, password, and hint. Create New User Account for Mac. Select the time zone and hit the continue button. Uncheck the diagnostics usage then hit on continue button. Its done Now you can start using Mac OS X El Capitan on Virtual. Box on the Windows operating system. Installed OSX El Capitan on Virtual. Box. Important For any kinds of fixing errors while installing Mac OS X El Capitan and mac. OS Sierra visit this articles. Video tutorialwikigain recommended articles Conclusion. Installing Mac OS X El Capitan on Virtual. Box is somehow difficult so read the article very carefully. If you make a mistake, so you will not be able to install Mac OS X El Capitan on Virtual. Box. Again if you have got any question regarding this article How to install Mac OS X El Capitan on Virtual. Box on Windows, so feel free to hit a comment below this post. We will response it as soon as possible. Thanks for being with us.