CAST to DECIMAL in My. SQLI am trying to cast to Decimal in My. Ip Country Database Mysql Download For Mac' title='Ip Country Database Mysql Download For Mac' />SQL like this CASTCOUNT 1. AS DECIMAL2. Im trying to convert the number of rows in a table times 1. SQL code SELECT CONCATGuardian. Guardian. forename,. How To Install Architectural Mailboxes Replacement. Guardian. surname AS Guardian Name. COUNT AS Number of Activities. COUNT 1. 5 AS Cost. INNER JOIN Child ON Schedule. Child. id. INNER JOIN Guardian ON Child. Guardian. id. GROUP BY Guardian. ORDER BY Guardian. Guardian. forename ASC. It produces an error 1. Welcome to Our Community. While Linux. org has been around for a while, we recently changed management and had to purge most of the content including users. Article ID Article Title. FD40841 Customer Service Note Advanced Services Dashboard FD40849 Technical Note FortiPortal troubleshooting commands. Learn how to fix the 1064 MySQL error in this article. Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems in 2010, and since that time Oracles hardware and software engineers have worked sidebyside to build fully integrated systems and. Optional parameter is indicated with the notation Optional. Application or Component may decide not to use that parameter in the alarm message. You have an error in your SQL syntax check the manual that. My. SQL server version for the right syntax to use. CASTCOUNT 1. AS DECIMAL1. Another try, this cast also doesnt work SELECT CONCATGuardian. Guardian. forename,. Guardian. surname AS Guardian Name. Ip Country Database Mysql Download For Mac' title='Ip Country Database Mysql Download For Mac' />COUNT AS Number of Activities. CASTCOUNT 1. AS DECIMAL8,2 AS Cost. INNER JOIN Child ON Schedule. Child. id. INNER JOIN Guardian ON Child. Guardian. id. GROUP BY Guardian. ORDER BY Guardian. Guardian. forename ASC. How do I use mysql to cast from integer to decimalLinux. Were all here to learn and help solve Linux issues. Some of us novice, others experts.