Keyboard Shortcut Keys For Adobe Photoshop Cs2

Keyboard Shortcut Keys For Adobe Photoshop Cs2

Three Image Photo Frame Template In Photoshop. Step 1 Create A New Document. Lets begin by creating a new Photoshop document. Go up to the File menu in the Menu Bar at the top of the screen and choose New. Or, for a faster way to create a new document, simply press the keyboard shortcut CtrlN Win CommandN Mac Go to File New, or press CtrlN Win CommandN Mac. Either way you choose brings up Photoshops New Document dialog box, which is where we set the options for our new document. Since Im going to be placing three portrait style images side by side each other in a row, Ill need a document thats quite wide, so Ill enter 1. Width and 6 inches for the Height, making sure that the measurement type is set to inches and not pixels. You may need to enter different values for the width and height if you have a specific document size you want to create. Since Ill want to print the frame effect when Im done, Ill enter 3. Resolution Create a new 1. Click OK when youre done to accept the settings and exit out of the dialog box. The new document appears on your screen The new document appears. Step 2 Fill The New Document With Black. I want to use black for the background color, so Ill go up to the Edit menu at the top of the screen and choose Photoshops Fill command, which allows us to fill a layer or selection with a color Go to Edit Fill. When the Fill dialog box appears, Ill set the Use option in the Contents section at the top of the dialog box to Black Set the Use option to Black. KPh1SbvNvoeIwGkLmjnqoLA5-Bo=/768x0/filters:no_upscale()/cs2-workspace-2menus-58b9b28a3df78c353c2bbefa.gif' alt='Keyboard Shortcut Keys For Adobe Photoshop Cs2' title='Keyboard Shortcut Keys For Adobe Photoshop Cs2' />Click OK to exit out of the dialog box, and Photoshop fills the document with solid black The document now filled with black. Step 3 Add A New Blank Layer. We need to add a new blank layer. Well be adding a placeholder for our first image on this new layer. Hold down your Alt Win Option Mac key and click on the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel Hold down Alt Win Option Mac and click on the New Layer icon. By holding down the Alt Option key as we click on the New Layer icon, we tell Photoshop to pop open the New Layer dialog box before adding the new layer, and we can use the dialog box to give our new layer a name. Change the name of the new layer from its default Layer 1 to placeholder left Change the name of the new layer to placeholder left. In this tutorial, learn how to create a simple threeimage photo frame in Photoshop, then how to easily convert the final result into a reusable template with Smart. Shiva And Lisa 3 Setup Wizard. Have you seen that photo of Theresa May and her fellow Tories in front of the Edvard Munch painting, The Scream Its going viral on Twitter at the moment. But. Ive tried to collect a set of basic troubleshooting steps that should solve most problems encountered while using Photoshop. For detailed instructions on the below. Photoshop tutorial that shows how to edit and create sets of keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop CS and CS2. Top VIdeos. Warning Invalid argument supplied for foreach in srvusersserverpilotappsjujaitalypublicindex. Keyboard Shortcut Keys For Adobe Photoshop Cs2' title='Keyboard Shortcut Keys For Adobe Photoshop Cs2' />Click OK to accept the name change and exit out of the dialog box. If we look in the Layers panel, we can see that we now have a new blank layer named placeholder left sitting above the Background layer. The checkerboard pattern in the layer preview thumbnail to the left of the layers name tells us that the layer is currently blank A new layer named placeholder left has been added. Step 4 Select The Rectangle Marquee Tool. Select Photoshops Rectangular Marquee Tool from the top of the Tools panel, or press the letter M on your keyboard to quickly select it with the shortcut Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool. With the Rectangular Marquee Tool selected, the Options Bar at the top of the screen changes to show options for the Rectangular Marquee Tool. One of the options is Style. Change it from its default setting of Normal to Fixed Ratio, then enter 4 for the Width and 6 for the Height. This will force the shape of the selection were about to draw into a 4x. Change the Style to Fixed Ratio, then enter 4 for the Width and 6 for the Height. Step 5 Draw A Rectangular Selection On The Left Side Of The Document. Drag out a rectangular selection on the left side of the document. This is where the photo on the left will appear. Youll notice that as you drag out the selection, the shape of it is constrained to the 4x. Options Bar in the previous step. If you need to reposition the selection as youre dragging it out, simply hold down your spacebar, drag your mouse to move the selection into place, then release your spacebar and continue dragging. Make sure to leave enough room to fit two more photos inside the document Click and drag out a selection around the area where the photo on the left will appear. Step 6 Fill The Selection With Gray. Once youve drawn the selection, go back up to the Edit menu and choose the Fill command again Go to Edit Fill. This time, when the Fill dialog box appears, change the Use option in the Contents section at the top of the dialog box to 5. Gray This time, change the Use option to 5. Gray. Click OK when youre done to exit out of the dialog box. Photoshop fills the selection with gray. Theres no special reason why weve chosen gray here. We simply needed to fill the selection with color, and since were using it only as a placeholder for an image, gray seemed like a natural choice. Press CtrlD Win CommandD Mac to remove the selection outline from around the shape Press CtrlD Win CommandD Mac to remove the selection outline once youve filled the selection with gray. Step 7 Add A Thin White Stroke Around The Shape. Lets add a thin white border around the shape. Click on the Layer Styles icon at the bottom of the Layers panel and select Stroke from the bottom of the list of layer styles that appears Click on the Layer Styles icon and select Stroke from the list. This brings up Photoshops Layer Style dialog box set to the Stroke options in the middle column. First, change the color of the stroke by clicking on the small color swatch to the right of the word Color and choosing white from the Color Picker when it appears. Click OK to close out of the Color Picker when youre done. Increase the Size of the stroke to around 1. Position to Inside Change the color of the stroke to white, then increase the Size to around 1. Position to Inside. Once youve set the color, size and position of the stroke, click OK to exit to exit out of the dialog box. Heres my image with the thin white border now applied to the shape Layer Styles are an easy way to add simple effects like borders to an image. Step 8 Select The Move Tool. Select Photoshops Move Tool from the Tools panel, or press the letter V on your keyboard to quickly select it with the shortcut Select the Move Tool. Step 9 Drag A Copy Of The Shape Into The Center Of The Document. Press ShiftAlt Win ShiftOption Mac and, while holding both keys down, click on your gray shape inside the document and drag it towards the right. The Alt Option key tells Photoshop that we want to create a copy of the shape as we drag instead of moving the original shape, while the Shift key limits the direction that we can drag in, making it easy to drag in a straight line towards the right. Drag the copy into the center of the image, which creates the placeholder for the middle photo that well be adding. Notice that the white stroke is also copied along with the shape Hold down ShiftAlt Win ShiftOption Mac and drag a copy of the shape into the middle of the document. Step 1. 0 Rename The New Layer Placeholder MiddleIf we look in the Layers panel, we can see that the second shape has appeared on its own layer above the original shape. Photoshop has named the new layer placeholder left copy. Double click directly on the new layers name and change it to placeholder middle. Press Enter Win Return Mac when youre done to accept the change The new shape appears on its own layer above the original. Rename the new layer placeholder middle. Step 1. 1 Drag Another Copy Of The Shape Into The Right Side Of The Document.

Keyboard Shortcut Keys For Adobe Photoshop Cs2
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