Everybody remembers their first car what will yours be Read about the best first cars with the cheapest insurance, whether youre buying new or used. A guide to new features in The Sims 3 Island Paradise Expansion Pack with links to buy it if you like the new content. Also links to strategy guides for mermaids. Were all familiar with Nikola Tesla and his brilliant work helping to invent the electric technologies that we live with today. But did you know that theres a. Downloads The Sims 3 List of The Sims 3 mods available for download. The Sims 3 is the third major title in the life simulation video game developed by The Sims Studio and published by Electronic Arts. It is the sequel to the best. New Project CARS 2 Trailer Confirms Release Date Slightly Mad Studios have officially confirmed the release date of their much anticipated Project CARS 2 title via a brand new 4. K video trailer, right in time for the E3 expo. The trailer reveals that Project CARS 2 will hit she shelves worldwide on September 2. The video trailer is packed with content, showing the recently revealed Porsches, Ferraris as well as lots of other on and off road content in action. Project CARS 2 will bring 1. PC, Playstation 4 Xbox One. Powered by the studios Live Track 3. Project CARS 2 is able to simulate racing in any weather season, including heavy winter weather snow. Aside from graphics sound improvements, Project CARS 2 comes with refined physics featuring the titles cutting edge tire model and improved AI as well as brand new gamepad controls FFB improvements. The new version comes with robust e. Sports online capabilities including Online Championship mode, driver rating as well as race directing broadcast controls. Project CARS 2 is due to be released in late 2. The Sims 3 Stuff packs. Stuff packs are minor expansion packs for The Sims 3 that add new items, clothing, and furniture to the game without implementing any significant changes to gameplay. High End Loft Stuffedit. Sims using the new postmodern items from High End Loft Stuff. The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff HELS, or The Sims 3 Design and Hi Tech Stuff in Europe,1 is the first stuff pack for The Sims 3, and was released in February 2, 2. It includes high end furnishings, electronic devices such as televisions, video game consoles, and computers, as well as postmodern designs of bookshelves, tables, and chairs. It contains clothes with a fashion forward apparel, tailored suits, and sophisticated outerwear. To celebrate the 1. The Sims, 3 items from The Sims or The Sims 2 are re introduced the heart shaped vibrating bed, the electric guitar, and the aquarium. This is also the first game of The Sims 3 to include Shop Mode. There is only a single new object for any given category. While there is a new TV and a new bathtub, there is only one new TV and only one new bathtub. Most items featured in this pack are more expensive than items from other stuff packs. Fast Lane StuffeditThe Sims 3 Fast Lane Stuff FLS is the second stuff pack released for The Sims 3. It was officially announced on June 2. North America was September 7, 2. The release date for Europe was September 9. In some places, it was September 1. FLS is centered on cars and the lifestyle of the Sims who drive cars. It features 1. 2 new vehicles and many new objects and styles of clothing, as well as the Vehicle Enthusiast trait. This is the first time a stuff pack has included a new trait. The Vehicle Enthusiast Trait enables Sims to have a relationship with their vehicle. The car will appear in the sims friends tab and the more a Sim drives a vehicle, the better the relationship becomes. A Sim will eventually be able to name the vehicle. A new radio station, rockabilly, is added as well. Outdoor Living StuffeditThe Sims 3 Outdoor Living Stuff OLS is the third stuff pack for The Sims 3. It was officially announced on December 7, 2. February 1, 2. 01. Rumors for the pack began appearing in October 2. Players can build al fresco settings for their Sims with new furnishings, outdoor electronics, and fire pits and fireplaces. The stuff pack includes highly customizable hot tubs, which have become more interactive. Outdoor cooking is also included, as there is a selection of new stoves for outdoor settings. All items in the set are divided into two styles, Garden on the Terrace and Sunset on the Veranda. It was the first pack to not contain a game manual in the box. All packs released following have not contained user manuals instead containing a small 2 page install sheet with the serial code attached. Town Life Stuffedit. Sims going into the new Fresh and Frozen Express Grocer rabbit hole in Town Life Stuff. The Sims 3 Town Life Stuff TLS is the fourth stuff pack for The Sims 3. It was announced on June 1. July 2. 6, 2. 01. TLS includes new venues and community lots such as playgrounds, libraries, and laundromats. The pack also includes an assortment of new items and clothing. There are 2. 5 new clothing items in total with 1. The Stuff pack also comes with redesigned rabbit holes, such as Scrumptious Nibbles Cafe and Fresh and Frozen Express Grocer. How To Install Cold Air Intake Lt1 Camaro. It also allows sims to enroll their children in prep school and has new objects for community lots. Some of the new items include jungle gyms, slides, and sandboxes for children. There are pre made community lots as well, which are Mr. Crunches Fitness Gym, Sudsy Time Laundromat, Ray of Sunshine Park, and Noble Tome Library. There are a large number of items for upgrading libraries and parks. Unlike other stuff packs, Town Life Stuff includes new objects that were originally from expansion packs. The jungle gym and sandbox were originally from Generations, while the washer, dryer, and hamper were originally from Ambitions. Master Suite StuffeditThe Sims 3 Master Suite Stuff MSS is the fifth stuff pack for The Sims 3. Rumors of the stuff pack surfaced in July 2. Electronic Arts on November 1. It was released on January 2. North America and January 2. Europe. Most of the objects included are more expensive than objects that are in other stuff packs. A majority of the furniture objects are for bedrooms and bathrooms. New beds, tubs, and vanities are added. There are also new decorations such as vases, candles, and rose petals. Many new items of sleepwear are included in this stuff pack, especially underwear for the female Sims. Katy Perrys Sweet Treatsedit. Sims exploring the new Katy Perry inspired lots in Katy Perrys Sweet Treats. The Sims 3 Katy Perrys Sweet Treats KPST is the sixth stuff pack for The Sims 3. Released on June 5, 2. North America and Europe, this stuff pack includes Katy Perry inspired furniture, outfits and hairstyles, including banana split couches and cotton candy trees. Also included are three lots a pool, a park and a hangout decorated with these fantasy items, and a Simlish version of Katy Perrys single Last Friday Night T. G. I. F. Part of a multi expansion pack deal with Perry, this pack is different from regular stuff packs by omitting the tag Stuff Pack from its logo, having a differently styled box art and costing roughly 1. On July 1. 5, 2. 01. Community Manager for EA confirmed 4 that this stuff pack has been retired and is no longer available on Origin. Therefore, EA will not produce any more physical or digital copies of Katy Perrys Sweet Treats. Diesel StuffeditThe Sims 3 Diesel Stuff DS is the seventh stuff pack for The Sims 3. It is based on Diesel, an Italian clothing company, which won a poll on The. Sims. 3. com What should we see in the next stuff pack It is the second smallest stuff pack after Fast Lane Stuff, and adds clothing and some objects to the game. It was released on July 1. This is the first stuff pack to not include a hairstyle. There is mainly male clothing attire. StuffeditThe Sims 3 7. Stuff is the eighth stuff pack for The Sims 3. It was released on January 2. It has content from the 1. TVs, boomboxes a disco ball. Movie StuffeditThe Sims 3 Movie Stuff is the ninth and final stuff pack for The Sims 3. It features clothing and decor items from iconic films. Movie Stuff was released on September 1. There are 3 main categories Comic Book HeroesVillains, Gothic Horror, and Wild West. It was announced as the 2. The Sims 3 games in a live broadcast in January 2. ReferenceseditSearch 2. The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff Release Information for PC. Game. FAQs. Retrieved 2. The next Stuff Pack has been announced The. Sims. 3. com. EA Games usOfficial EA confirmation 1. Announcing The Sims 3 Town Life Stuff Electronic Arts UK CommunityJud Hudson. EA announces The Sims 3 Master Suite Stuff. Sim. Programs. Retrieved 1. November 2. 01. 1. Sliwinski, Alexander October 9, 2. Sims 3 7. 0s, 8. Stuff pack announced, university expansion teased. Joystiq. Retrieved October 1. Martin, Liam April 1. The Sims 3 Dragon Valley, Movie Stuff to release later this year. Digital Spy. Retrieved July 1. New Cars For The Sims 3© 2017