Put Microsoft Calendar On Internet

Put Microsoft Calendar On Internet

XLTools.net-Calendar-add-in-insert-date-in-a-cell.png' alt='Put Microsoft Calendar On Internet' title='Put Microsoft Calendar On Internet' />Need to make a calendar for the New Year or your childs school schedule Use the Calendar Wizard to make a printable, customized calendar in Word 2003 or. Microsoft India Private Limited is a subsidiary of American software company Microsoft Corporation, headquartered in Hyderabad, India. The company first entered the. How to Make a Calendar in Word. This wikiHow teaches you how to make a calendar in Microsoft Word for Windows and Mac. You can either use a Microsoft calendar. Showing more detail in Share. Point Calendar A Little Blog. The Share. Point calendar is an ideal place to give people a quick overview of team events, but the overview can be a bit thin on detail for some peoples tastes. Get help, support, and tutorials for Windows productsWindows 10, Windows 8. Windows 7, and Windows 10 Mobile. The calendar structure is pretty rigid, so we cant just add columns to the view like we do in other Share. Point lists. We can, however, pick which column to display in the calendar view. Using calculated fields we will build a new event title to have our calendar events communicate extra information at a glance. Heres what we want when looking at the calendar wed like our site members to see the title of the calendar event AND the location of the event in parenthesis. Adobe After Effects Cs4 Download Rapidshare For Free more. The pictures below show what Share. Point gives us out of the box compared to what wed like for our site members Share. Point gives us We Want Heres what well do in brief Create two calculated fields, one to be the month view title and one to be the sub heading for day and week views. Modify the view to show our new columns instead of the default columns. Create new calculated field columns. In our Share. Point calendar well navigate over to the Calendar tab and click the Create Column ribbon button. Well call this column Month View Title and set the type to Calculated. Now, lets build up the formula. Remember, we want the end result to look like this Event Title LocationTo create that string, our formula will look like this Title Location Share. Points calculated field will among other things combine, or concatenate, strings. To concatenate strings we use the ampersand symbol much the same way we use the plus symbol for adding numbers. Building a string is as easy as double click a column, type an ampersand, type some text in double quotes. We use the double quotes to make sure Share. Point knows were concatenating a string and not just another field. For consistency with the month view, we also would like the location wrapped in parentheses for the day and week views. Lets create another calculated column for this. Repeat the steps to create a column and call it Day Week View Sub Heading. The formula will look like this Location Modify the calendar view. Now that we have the strings we want, we can change the calendar view to show our new calculated columns instead of the default, out of the box OOB event title. In your calendar, head back over to the Calendar tab again and this time click the Modify View button. In the Edit Calendar View settings well change the Calendar Columns to show our new calculated fields. The title fields well change are the Month View Title, the Week View Sub Heading and the Day View Sub Heading. Since were extra clever, we gave our calculated columns names which match up very nicely with these field titles. Click the OK button to save changes and were done. Go crazy. The Share. Point calculated column feature gives a lot of flexibility and can be used without having to open Share. Point Designer or learn to write custom Share. Point solutions. Check out this article on MSDN to get your creative juices flowing. Update Weve cross posted this on the Share. Point for End Users blog. Internet News CNETAs the FCC tries to dismantle net neutrality rules, Sen. Brian Schatz of Hawaii says internet savvy, young people could become a political force.

Put Microsoft Calendar On Internet
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