School Age Students That Are Failing Are Born Crack Babies As Adults

School Age Students That Are Failing Are Born Crack Babies As Adults

E60BA0000044D-798_634x325.jpg' alt='School Age Students That Are Failing Are Born Crack Babies As Adults' title='School Age Students That Are Failing Are Born Crack Babies As Adults' />Health Yahoo Lifestyle. From backhanded compliments to snide passing remarks masked as concern for health or outright attacks on food choices and habits, food shaming comes in many forms, all of which are equally unnecessary and unhelpful. AGE OF AUTISMThink about thatif we dont have the most basic of rights, those of self autonomy and bodily integrity, and the right to protect our children from known harm, what meaningful rights do we have And let us not forget that the hallmark of ethical medicine is that of prior, completely voluntary, and fully informed consent. The U. S. has agreed to uphold and abide by this standard of ethical medicine on numerous occasions, beginning in 1. The Nuremberg Code. This international code of ethics was the result of the world becoming aware of atrocious medical experiments performed on human beings during WWII without their consent, and often without their knowledge. To ensure that such crimes against humanity would never occur again, the Nuremberg Code was written and it states that the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. Additional, similar codes of ethics have been signed since then by the U. S., most recently including The Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights at the UNESCO Convention in 2. Article 6 under the section titled Consent  Any preventive which by definition includes vaccines, diagnostic, and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free, and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice. In Article 3 of this same Declaration it states The interests and welfare of the individual should have priority over the sole interest of science or society. Vaccine mandates, in and of themselves, with or without exemptions, are in complete violation of the Nuremberg Code and other international codes of ethics, as is any form of mandated medicine. Heather Kirn Lanier is working on a collection of essays about disability and parenting, to which SuperBabies Dont Cry belongs. She received a 2016 Vermont. Breaking news, weather, radar, traffic, sports from FOX 5 DC for Washington, DC, Maryland and northern Virginia WTTGTV. CB6636800000578-167_634x670.jpg' alt='School Age Students That Are Failing Are Born Crack Babies As Adults' title='School Age Students That Are Failing Are Born Crack Babies As Adults' />Yahoo Lifestyle is your source for style, beauty, and wellness, including health, inspiring stories, and the latest fashion trends. Gmail is email thats intuitive, efficient, and useful. GB of storage, less spam, and mobile access. I work on farms in the fens of East Anglia, UK, where the water table is quite high. Even when there has been rain, the fields seem dry when tides at the coast are low. For those of us in CA, MS, and WV, this hallmark of ethical medicine is no longer being heeded at any level and the aforementioned agreements to which the U. S is a signer are currently being violated. Your state could be next. Today, I would like to begin by reassuring you that you do not need to be a Ph. D chemist or biologist, or a medical doctor, or some type of genius to understand that what is going on with vaccines is not scientific, is not proven, is not safe, is not working as claimed, is not ethical, and is not wise. All that is truly needed is a basic level of common sense, parental instincts that have not been demeaned, grossly manipulated, and obliterated by doctors and others, and the willingness and ears to hear the truth. Part of that truth involves challenging the notion that it is desirable for humans to be infection free. The immune system, like our muscles and our brains, needs to be challenged to become stronger and more efficient. However, the challenges must occur via natural means, not via artificial and damaging means. C14000005DC-439_468x313.jpg' alt='School Age Students That Are Failing Are Born Crack Babies As Adults' title='School Age Students That Are Failing Are Born Crack Babies As Adults' />The current and unnatural goal of eliminating temporary, acute, immune system building infections has led to the development of permanent, chronic, immune system destroying diseases. So we must ask ourselves, do we want the former or the latter We must also ask ourselves, what benefits are we forever forfeiting when we interfere via vaccination in an attempt to try to avoid contracting infections naturallyTo list but a few, one is forfeiting permanent lifetime immunity the future ability for females to pass on immunity to their baby both in the womb and via breastfeeding contracting these illnesses during childhood, when they are mostly benign, and instead contracting them during adulthood, when they are far more serious protection against and avoidance of many types of cancer, both during childhood and later on in adulthood and, perhaps most importantly, the purity of ones immune system, which can never be restored. Wow, that is quite a list of health benefits one forfeits when one chooses to vaccinate. We must be aware that we have been taught to fear infections for which there is a vaccine. Due to this erroneous teaching, one might call it brainwashing, the majority of Americans is now suffering from lifelong, debilitating diseases which manifest as chronic illnesses, developmental disabilities, and premature deaths. I also want to challenge the notion that vaccinations equal immunization. Not true at all, and that is why you will never hear me call vaccinations immunizations, because they are not. Vaccine efficacy is allowed to be determined by the presence of titers post vaccination in small numbers of study subjects. Titers are concentrations of antibodies. However, the presence of elevated vaccine induced titers does not mean a person is now immune from that which he was vaccinated against, it simply means his blood has been purposefully and artificially tainted by a vaccine. Texarkana, Texas and Arkansas newspaper. Includes news, sports, opinion, and local information. War You know what it is good for Stories of unfathomable badassery, thats what. Over the years, we at Cracked have gathered a formidable collection of these. Your source for local news, sports, high school sports and weather in and around Jefferson City, Columbia, Fulton and the Lake of the Ozarks. All of MidMissouri. In reality, people with low to zero titers for a certain infection can remain uninfected when exposed to that illness, and conversely, people with extremely high titers for a certain infection can contract the illness when exposed. Therefore, the presence of vaccine induced titers offers no proof of vaccine efficacyyet, it continues to be used as proof of efficacyand vaccine recipients continue to be dupedand poisoned. Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge, there has been no research comparing vaccine induced titers to titers acquired via natural means, such as through breastmilk andor through exposure to natural infection. Such a comparison study is required before claims of any kind can be made about vaccine induced titers. If any of you sitting here today is still comfortable with the notion of vaccines and with the practice of vaccinating, I anticipate that you will be very uncomfortable with both by the end of my presentationat least, that is my hope Here are a few questions Id like to begin with in an effort to dispel the myths that vaccines are safe, effective, properly licensed, and properly monitored post marketing How can vaccines be both safe, as touted by doctors, government regulators, and the media, and unavoidably unsafe, meaning inherently dangerous, as declared by the U. S. Supreme Court in 2. Both statements cannot be true. If vaccines are safe, why then do we have the. National Childhood Vaccine Injury. Act, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, the Vaccine Injury Table, and lengthy sections on each and every vaccine package insert detailing adverse events, including death, that have resulted from those very vaccines If vaccines are safe, then why do this Act of Congress, this reporting system, this compensation program, and these warning lists exist If the FDA and CDC readily admit that only 1 1. In other words, with 9. VICP, or finding out about the VICP after the brief 3 year statute of limitations for filing a claim has passed, and with the VICP being a government run and rigged kangaroo court in which discovery is not allowed, the more than 3. If vaccines are safe, why are parents worldwide using every alternative media source possible to tell their tragic stories of what happened to their children, andor themselves, post vaccinationMainstream media refuses to cover these extremely prevalent stories, but that has not stopped parents, and others, from getting the word out. Download Slide Themes Powerpoint Mac Viewer. The stories are endless, they are tragic, and they did not need to happen. My guess is that Del Bigtree will be sharing some stories from being on the road with the Va.

School Age Students That Are Failing Are Born Crack Babies As Adults
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