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This was the stand in the Match of the Century in Reykjavik, forty five years ago, in our previous report Fischer had lost the first game traumatically, defaulted in the second game, and then trailing 0 2 in the match picked up four points in the next five games. Spassky was deeply impressed by Fischers clean win in the sixth game, be he came back to game seven with resolve. He launched a very promising attack which unfortunately collapsed and had him fighting for a draw. GM Robert Byrne with Chester Fox, who had the media rights for the match at the start, on the stage in Reykjavik. In Chess Life Review October 1. GM Robert Byrne, who was in Reykjavik reporting on the match, wrote By game eight the tension of almost continuous defensive play showed up in two Spassky errors. There is some question whether the first was a piece of mistaken judgment or an oversight, but the second was a naive blunder which denied Boris any chance to put up resistance. Otherwise, the game was notable for Bobbys second use of a Queenside opening, the English. It would have been fascinating to see how he intended to proceed from the Maroczy Bind he had set up, but Spasskys mistakes took the game out of normal channels. Here is Byrnes notes on game eight, as published in CL R Oct. Event Reykjavik World Championship 8 Site Reykjavik Date 1. Round 8 White Fischer, Robert James Black Spassky, Boris Vasilievich Result 1 0 ECO A3. White. Elo 2. 78. Black. Elo 2. 66. Annotator Byrne,Robert Ply. Count 7. 3 Event. Date 1. 97. 2. 0. Event. Type match Event. Rounds 2. 1 Event. Country ISL Source. Title Main. Base Source Chess. Base Source. Date 1. There are probably several reasons for Fischers adoption of this opening move. In his study of Spasskys games he must have discovered weak points in some of the champions favorite defenses and wished to exploit them. In game 4, with his favorite 1. Bobby ran into trouble against the Sicilian and perhaps therefore desired a breather so he could think up something new for it. Boris doesnt usually play this move, preferring 1. By now he most be so leery of what Fischer has up his sleeve against his known favorites that he is willing to venture only what he is known not to care for. Nc. 3 Nc. 6 3. Nf. Nf. 6 4. g. 3 g. 6 5. Bg. 2 Bg. 7 6. O O O O 7. Permitting White to set up the Maroczy Bind is not something of which I approve, though Walter Browne and a few others swear by it. The most solid reply is 7. Yugoslav Variation of the Kings Indian, but I am not sure Boris is familiar with that. Nxd. 4 Nxd. 4 9. Qxd. Bg. 5 Be. 6 1. 1. Qf. 4 Black was threatening. Nd. 5, so the Queen had to move. The most popular retreats are to d. Anyhow, it puzzled Boris, who took a whole hour to determine if it concealed any gimmicks. Qa. Rac. 1 Rab. 8 It was still not necessary to defend the b. White having to give up his own in return, but Black is preparing the freeing. Rfc. 8 1. 4. Qd. 2 a. Be. 3 b. 5 2 Dr. Euwe thought this was a deliberate sacrifice, since Black does get some compensation for the Exchange. Gligoric disagreed, contending that only White has any winning chances now. According to some reports, Spassky flinched when he saw Fischer, next move. Ed. The main question is how well Black stands after 1. Rc. 7 recommended by Euwse and Najdorf. Ba. 7 Ra. 8 1. 7. Qe. 3 1 Nd. 7 1. Ng. Qb. 6 Qxb. Here 1. Bxc. Rxc. 3 Qxc. 3 gives White such an enormous positional advantage that it has to be classed as a forced win 2. Qxc. 7 Rxa. 7 2. 1. Qb. 8 wins. 1. Bxb. Rd. 7 2. 0. Nd. 5 gives White a clear advantage. Bd. 4 improves the White game, delaying. Bishop. So, in response to the immortal chess question of the late Oscar TennerDid he fall, or was he pushedI tend to favor the latter alternative. The Maroczy Bind is not without teeth. Ba. 7 bxc. 4 1. 7. Bxb. 8 Rxb. 8 1. 8. Bxc. 4 1. 9. Rfd. Nd. 7 2 This is an incredible tactical blunder, after which the game is a flat win for White. Still, it is very difficult to suggest anything for Black against Nd. Exchange. 2. 0. Nd. Qxd. 2 2. 1. Nxe. Spassky must have overlooked this zwischenzug. Kf. Rxd. 2 Kxe. 7 2. Rxc. 4 Rb. 1 2. 4. Bf. 1 Nc. 5 2. 5. Kg. 2 a. 5 2. 6. e. Ba. 1 2. 7. f. 4 f. Re. 2 This seems awkward. At the time I preferred 2. Be. 2 to be followed by Kf. Rd. 1. With the text Bobby threatens e. Ke. 6 2. 9. Rec. 2 Bb. Be. 2 h. 5 3. 1. Rd. Ba. 3 3. 2. f. 5 Decisively opening the position and allowing the Bishop to join the party. Ke. 5 3. 4. Rcd. 4 Kxf. The threat is mate by 3. Rd. 5 Ke. 4 3. 6. Bf. 3 Ke. 3 3. 7. Re. 2 3. 5. Rd. Ke. Rxd. 6 Ke. Rc. 6 1 0. The legendary Bent Larsen, whom Fischer had demolished in the Candidates match in 1. Reykjavik. About the next encounter Robert Byrne wrote Game 9 was the shortest, quietest draw of the match so far. After the blunders of round 8, perhaps Spassky needed to demonstrate to himself that he could not be just bowled over. Many grandmasters aim for a draw in the next contest after a bad loss to fight the feeling that they will never do anything right again. Nevertheless, the opening is of considerable theoretical value, for Fischer introduced an enterprising pawn shot at his ninth move, transplanting an idea from the Gruenfeld Defense. Boris made some attempt to demonstrate weaknesses on Fischers Queenside, but without getting anywhere against Fischers accurate tactical defense. That left no other conclusion but a split point. Event Reykjavik, World Championship Site Reykjavik Date 1. Round 9 White Spassky, Boris Vasilievich Black Fischer, Robert James Result 12 12 ECO D4. White. Elo 2. 66. Black. Elo 2. 78. Annotator Byrne,Robert Ply. Count 5. 8 Event. Date 1. 97. 2. 0. Event. Type match Event. Rounds 2. 1 Event. Country ISL Source. Title Main. Base Source Chess. Base Source. Date 1. Nf. 6 2. c. 4 e. 6 3. Nf. 3 d. 5 4. Nc. While this move has been accepted as the equalizer for about 4. Spassky in his 1. Petrosian and Polugaevsky have brought it under the hammer once again. In the match opener, Bobby went for the Nimzo Indian 4. Bb. 4 instead, but the text move has always ranked high in his estimation. Nxd. 5 6. e. 4 The alternative, favored by Najdorf and a number of others including me, is 6. Queens Gambit Accepted. Not since his game with me in the 1. U. S. Championship has Bobby been in any trouble against it. Download Overcooked PCDescrio Overcooked um jogo de cozinha catica co op para um a quatro jogadores. Trabalhando como uma equipe, voc e seus companheiros chefes devem preparar, cozinhar e servir se uma variedade de ordens saborosos antes que os clientes latindo tempestade fora num acesso de raiva. 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