Installing OS X 1. Tiger on DVD Challenged Macs Using Fire. Wire Target Disk Mode. Mac OS X 1. 0. 4 Tiger ships on DVD media, which is great if you have a Mac equipped with a DVD drive as most of us do these days, since the entire set of installer files can be contained on one disc, eliminating the necessity of disc swapping in the middle of the process. However, there are certain older Macs that are officially supported by a Tiger i. Fire. Wire but dont have optical drives that support DVDs notably some low end i. Books and early low end e. Macs. My Late 2. 00. Book G37. 00 has only a CD ROM drive, and some of the education only Macs were also CD only. Mac OS X Version 1. PPC requires a Macintosh with Power. Hack Os X Cd Bootable Disk' title='Hack Os X Cd Bootable Disk' />PC G3, G4, or G5 processor. Built in Fire. Wire. At least 2. 56 MB of physical RAM 5. MB recommendedA built in display or a display connected to an Apple supplied video card supported by your computer. Creating Signature Windows Live Mail. At least 3 GB of available space on your hard drive 4 GB of disk space if you install Xcode 2 developer tools. DVD drive for installation or get CD media from Apple for 9. There are several possible workarounds. You can choose to insert a windows DVD in your dvd drive, and select that, or you can choose a windows image file from you computer, like i did. Now you can download Bootcamp 4. Bootcamp assistant app provided with Mac OS X Lion 10. The new Bootcamp will let you install and dual boot Windows on. Mac OS X 10. 7 Lion System Requirements. Surely, after lion install, you get a chance to burn off an install DVD. Home Forgot Windows Password. Hack Windows 10 Hacking Windows Hacking Windows Password Windows Backdoor Hack Windows 10 Login Password In 2 Minutes. Apple will let you send in your Tiger install DVD along with 9. OS X 1. 0. 4 install CDs. If you dont intend on upgrading your hardware in the near future and have no Mac with a DVD drive available, that may be the most convenient solution. Another possibility is to purchase or borrow a freestanding, bootable Fire. Wire DVD drive and run the installer from it. A third possibility is to mount your DVD challenged computer as an external hard drive from a DVD drive equipped Mac via Fire. Wire Target Disk Mode and choose its hard drive as the destination disk in the OS X 1. That is the method I chose for installing Tiger on my i. Book, using my Pismo Power. The most easy way to make a bootable usb with any kind of operating system. Learn now the fastest way to boot an USB Flash Drive. The following tutorial will help you create a bootable USB flash drive for Windows 8. Microsofts own Windows USBDVD Download Tool. Introduction Bypass BIOS Boot or OS Login to most Any Computer. With Console Access. If you have an older PC, youll be pleased to know you can install every version of macOS or OS X from 10. Lion right up to 10. Sierra. Books DVD drive. Fire. Wire Target Disk Mode is a great innovation, even better than Power. Book SCSI disk mode was back in the SCSI era. Its usually used for fast file transfers between computers and is the speediest interface for doing that, but it also works well for system or disk maintenance that requires mounting the drive from another boot volume and, as in this case, for system installations. To put my i. Book into Target Disk Mode, I shut it down, and connected it to the Power. Book using a standard 6 pin Fire. Wire cable the same on both ends usually used for connecting my external Fire. Wire hard drive. I then started the i. Book while holding down the T key, and in a few seconds the yellow Fire. Wire symbol began bouncing around on the screen. When I woke up the Power. Book, icons representing the i. Books three hard drive partitions were there on the Desktop. I inserted the OS X 1. Power. Books DVD drive and clicked the Install icon, which made the Power. Book reboot from the DVD. When the installer screen came up, the i. Books partition volumes were among the alternatives presented as an install destination. The installation itself was straightforward. I chose to do an Archive and Install, and I checked the option to have the new system assimilate user settings from a former system, avoiding the tedium of going through the Setup Assistant routine. In my case, I also chose not to install the 1. GB of printer drivers, the extra fonts, and the language support files in order to conserve hard drive space on the i. Books 2. 0 GB hard drive. My basic installation took about 2. After the installer displays its Installation Of Software Successfully Completed dialog, it wants to reboot into the new system it has just installed. I discovered no way to defeat this, so the Pismo rebooted from the i. Books hard drive, which was interesting. No problems were encountered, though. At that point I shut down both computers, disconnected the Fire. Wire cable, and restarted each computers from its respective boot system. In that instance, the Previous System Folder containing my old OS X 1. Panther installation turned out to be more than 5 GB, while the new Tiger system folder was less than 1. GB. That Panther 1. OS X 1. 0. 2. 3 Jaguar in January 2. Book was new and after I had partitioned the hard drive. It had only been updated since then many times never with a clean system reinstall. Doing a clean installation save for the imported settings, recovered 4 MB of free hard drive space. Emptying the Trash containing the Previous System Folder took nearly half an hour and deleted some 9. Using this method proved to be a successful workaround for getting Tiger into my i. Book, and I expect it would work for installing Tiger on older, officially unsupported Macs using the XPost. Facto installer hack, although I cant say for sure, having never tried it. Further Reading. Short link http goo.