Rep_Attack_on_Bestine_07.jpg' alt='Star Wars Empire At War Forces Of Corruption Hatred Crackle' title='Star Wars Empire At War Forces Of Corruption Hatred Crackle' />2013 CONSOLIDATED MINI CATALOGUE. BA Color Box Art Available for an additional 3. FL Film is in Foreign Language. Lbx Letterboxed or Widescreen. All dates are in Dalereckoning, and year names are given where appropriate. The Days of Thunder This is the time of the fabled Creator Races, when many gods. The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs. Brownfreq worrisome worry worryworryin worrying worse worsened worsens worship worshiped worshipful worshiping worshipped worshippers worshipping worst worstmarked. Forgotten Realms chronology. All dates are in Dalereckoning, and year names are given where appropriate. The Days of Thunder This is the time of the fabled Creator Races, when many gods came to the consciousness of mortals, and many races still hid in caves. No mention can be found of elves, dwarves, and other races in this time. Still, their absence on ancient cave paintings is hardly sufficient evidence to say that they did not exist in the Realms. The Dawn AgesThe Time of Dragons Dragons and giants rule Toril at this time elves and dwarves settle in small but growing communities all over Faern. The dwarves overthrow the giants and start their empires. Toward the end of this time, the elves start doing the same against the dragon overlords of this era. The First Epoch Time of Beginnings in Sers the Inner Sea. All the races currently living under the Sea of Fallen Stars take to the waters during this period, which only the whales have much knowledge of. This Epoch ends with the elven migration into Sers, and their rise to power. First mentions of Ironfang Keep on the Dragons Sea appear in draconic legends. The Sundering Hundreds of High Magi gathered in the heartland of Faern at the Gathering Place. Ignoring the lesson learned from the destruction of Tintageer centuries earlier, the High Magi cast a spell designed to create a glorious elven homeland. As the Day of Birthing dawned, the spell reached its apex. Star Wars Empire At War Forces Of Corruption Hatred Crackle' title='Star Wars Empire At War Forces Of Corruption Hatred Crackle' />Faern, the one land, is sundered apart by the unbridled force of the spell. As a result, hundred of cities are washed away, thousands of elves lie dead, and the face of Abeir Toril is changed forever. The name Faern, no longer the one land, was given to the largest continent. Evermeet, Island of Elves, is created. List All Users In Active Directory Group Vb Script Functions. The Tree of Souls is given to the elves. The First Flowering The elves reach their peak here, more than 1. The Korean War memorial on the National Wall in Washington features nineteen lightcolored steel American combat soldiers, representing different nationalities. The World Eaters are one of the Traitor Legions of Chaos Space Marines who now inhabit the Warp. Slaanesh, Dark Prince of Pleasure and Doom of the Eldar. The torture cults eroded the future of the Eldar as a viable galactic empire. While this debauchery would. Express Helpline Get answer of your question fast from real experts. The great elven civilizations of Faern include Aryvandaar, Illefarn, Ilythiir, Keltormir, Miyeritar, and Shantel Othreier. With the elves success against the orcs and dragons and giants, the other races thrive in safety and begin the slow climb on civilization. The elven forest community of Sharlarion survives the Sundering nearly complete. These fortunate elves increased their number and spread into the surrounding forest, hills, and lowlands. Establishment of the first elvish settlements of Aryvandaar Present Day High Forest. Establishment of the first elvish settlements of Shantel Othreier Present Day Green Fields. Establishment of the first elvish settlements of Ilythiir Present Day Shaar Forest of Amtar. Establishment of the first elvish settlements of Syrpiir Present Day Ankhwood and Chondalwood. Establishment of the first elvish settlements of Illefarn Present Day Ardeep Kryptgarden Forests and parts of the Dessarin valley. Establishment of the elvish settlements of Orishaar Present Day Duskwood the Shaar. Establishment of the elvish settlements of Thearnytaar Present Day Thornwood. Establishment of the elvish settlements of Eiellr Present Day Winterwood. First skirmishes between the Orishaar and Ilythiir elvish tribes begin, and continue off and on for seven millennia. Evidence from carvings in some sea caves under the Inner Sea suggests that the merfolk, locathah, and sahuagin inhabit the deeps and have battled each other since this time. Establishment of the first elvish settlements of Miyeritar Present Day High Moor, Misty Forest, by green and dark elves due to political differences with the gold elves of Aryvandaar. Establishment of the great elvish settlements of Keltormir Present Day Forest of Tethyr which spanned all of Tethyr, Amn, Erlkazar, and Calimshan by moon and green elves of Thearnytarr and elsewhere, seeking peace and simple lives away from the strife of the other elven realms. The independent sylvan elf realms of Thearnytaar, Eiellr, and Syrpiir open discussions of unifying the elves of the Satyrwood Present Day ThornwoodChondalwood. The War of Three Leaves The unification of the Satyrwood is thwarted by dark elven Ilythiiri spies and assassins, killing their leaders and framing opposing heirs, driving the three realms to a multifront war. Ilythiirs influence is not discovered for centuries. Elves migrate from Thearnytaar, Eiellr, and Syrpiir to the Inner Sea over the next seven millenia. Numerous elves abandon the surface realms of Eiellr, and Syrpiir during the War of Three Leaves to settle in the Selmal Basin of the Inner Sea. This begins the elven migrations into the Sea of Fallen Stars, which continue for seven millennia. The elvish Vyshaan clan rises to power in Aryvandaar under Coronal Ivsaar Vyshann. Aryvandaars rulers begin attempts to diplomatically and peacefully annex Miyeritar into their realm and under their control. Tribal barbarian clans of humans roam Keltormir, hiding and hunting in the great forests and avoiding the greater races of elves, giants, and dragons. The Second Epoch Time of the Elves of Sers the Inner Sea. The Seconf Epoch officially begins with the building of the undersea capital of Aryselmalyr, and ends with forty years of war between the sea elves and other undersea races. It is also during this Epoch that the first land dwellers began exploration of the waters wizards of Netheril, the initial migrations of shalarin into the Inner Sea, and the trapping of the sahuagin behind the Sharksbane Wall. Miyeritar becomes the center of elven Art and High Magic on Faern. Skirmishing and trade interference starts between Aryvandaar and Miyeritar. The Crown Wars The Crown Wars of the Elves are fought during this period, pitting nearly four generations of elf against elf. The two greatest events of the Crown Wars that still have impact on the Realms are the Dark Disaster and the Descent of the Drow. The Dark Disaster utterly destroyed the forest realm of Miyeritar, leaving the blasted plains that are now the High Moors. Perhaps due to the savagery of the Crown Wars or other factors long lost to time, the Dark Elves became corrupt during this era, broke away from their brethren, and after much warfare and cruelty they descended beneath the planets surface to become the Deep Elves, the drow. The Crown Wars begin with the rise of the Vyshaantar Empire of Aryvandaar. After centuries of fruitless diplomacy, the impatient, grasping rulers of Aryvandaar attack Miyeritar and begins putting political pressure on Shantel Othreier to join them or suffer the same fate. Miyeritar is militarily occupied and annexed by Aryvandaar, though a number of clans and strongholds resist and continue to fight. Many elves of Illefarn, despite its officially neutral stance, provide secret safehavens for Miyeritari refugees. The dragons war against the giants of Keltormir leads to the First Tethrift a great burning of the forest that separated the Wyrmwood from the greater body of the forest. Tethir, the first recorded elven dragonslayer, slays two ancient red wyrms. A portion of Keltormirs woods are named for him. The dragons war against the giants of Keltormir leads to the First Tethrift a great burning of southern Shantel Othreier that separated the soon to be called the Wyrmwood from the greater body of the forest. Tethir, kin of Keltormir and the first recorded elven dragonslayer, single handedly slays two ancient red wyrms of the Ridge and saves many elves.